An international luxury stroller brand.
Project Description
Maclaren is an English-based stroller manufacturer that has a 3-prong approach to customer satisfaction: user safety, hand-crafted products, and efficient five-second folding functionality. Maclaren relies heavily on their brand heritage and customer loyalty. My task was to design a website that effectively conveyed these brand values, optimized for various platforms (including mobile and tablet), while also keeping their brand heritage.
I conducted both primary and secondary research, including leading several focus groups in an effort to fully understand the customers within Maclaren’s target demographic. As a result of this research, I presented a unique interface that exceeded Maclaren’s requested requirements. I redesigned the website’s header and footer, both of which were inspired by Maclaren’s logo and brand heritage. The new website background and layout maintained the international presence of the brand, while also incorporating the three brand values. Lastly, I customize the website to responsively display in varying resolutions to create a positive user experience on any device.
Project Details
- ClientMaclaren Stroller
- Date2014
- CategoriesWeb Design
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