Strangest secret about weight loss… plus medical references on why you may be binging, craving, eating compulsively and more…

For every one of you that have ever tried to lose weight without success, consider the possibility of toxic reactions to everyday foods. Men and women all across America are now finding that eliminating a few foods from their diet is the missing link to weight loss, and new research is starting to reveal why.

Strangest secret about weight medical references on why you may be binging, craving, eating compulsively and more...

Hidden poisons in everyday foods cause weight gain…

Researchers believe that hidden toxic reactions to everyday foods can contribute to weight problems in several different ways. First, they can cause water retention and water weight gain. In virtually all patients tested, partially digested food compounds pass through a compromised intestinal lining into the bloodstream and eventually travel to tissues, where they cause irritation and inflammation. The body tries to reduce this irritation by retaining water, which dilutes the concentration of the offending material. As long as you keep eating foods causing these toxic reactions, you will continue to hold on to water weight.

Internal inflammation may dramatically affect your weight control…

Some chemicals involved in toxic reactions to everyday foods may inhibit metabolism. Prostaglandin E2, which is also released, inhibits the body’s ability to burn fat stores. These food toxicities may therefore, diminish your body’s ability to burn fat, a process known as lipolysis.

Food allergies lead to food addictions and binging…

One study found that partially digested compounds in common food allergens act similarly to morphine-like opioid drugs (Lancet, Oct 27, 1979). Eating the wrong food can actually produce a temporary “high,” but when the feeling wears off, you crave the same food in order to get another euphoric “fix.”

“Even if you’ve failed before, you can lose weight and feel remarkably better as other symptoms often disappear…”

Click here for a symptom self test and see if any of your symptoms are linked to reactions to foods toxic to your system – they may be foods you are eating every day!!

Opioid chemicals may increase appetite and decrease metabolism

Research in the New England Journal of Medicine, 1997, vol. 337, reported that excessive amounts of partially digested food allergens increase appetite and decrease metabolism. Unfortunately, the more you continue eating the wrong foods (which could be perfectly healthy foods, just not properly digested), the more likely you are doomed to never win at losing weight.

Do you have food toxicities? Find out now…

Identifying and eliminating a few foods from your diet can conceivably offer many benefits: alleviate bloating and water retention, help overcome food cravings and addictions, and boost metabolism and fat-burning lipolysis. Are foods toxic to your particular system making you fat? A toxic reaction to an everyday food could be key to your weight problem if…

  • You retain lots of water.
  • You exercise, diet and still can’t lose weight.
  • You lose weight and can’t lose past a certain point.
  • You have food cravings and engage in binge eating.

MEDICAL REFERENCES: addiction, binging, craving, edema

Carbohydrate cravings

“…Remember this, because it is a basic reason for your overweight – if you are ‘allergic’ to carbohydrates, carbohydrates taken into your body release a flood of surplus insulin into your bloodstream. This doesn’t mean that you are seriously ill. It simply means that your body overreacts to carbohydrates just as another person’s may overreact to seafood. You don’t break out in a rash, you break out in rolls of fat (also perhaps in fatigue, depression, a craving for sweets, and a raised level of triglycerides).” (Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. p41)

“Stress, anxiety and emotional tension tend to make carbohydrate-sensitive people fat…When they are under strain, our bodies put out adrenaline. And adrenaline raises blood sugar levels. This in turn triggers off a flood of insulin, so that the blood sugar ends up lower than it started. It is at this low point that we eat and drink for energy, for comfort, to rest and calm our fears, anger, and tension. And these high-carbohydrate pick-me-up feedings lay on the pounds.” (Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. pp60-61)

Addiction, compulsive eating, food binging…

“Foods of all kinds, as well as chemicals, qualify as much as addictants as do narcotics, tobacco, coffee and alcohol.” (Brain Allergies, Keats Publishing, 1980, p23)

“Almost every case of compulsive eating has an allergic basis called addictive food allergy…it is not surprising that compulsive eating is a reaction to the cravings caused by the conscious and unconscious need to prevent or relieve the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms of food addiction.” (It’s Not Your Fault You’re Fat Diet, Marshall Mandell, M.D., Harper & Row, 1983, pp7-8)

“One of the most devastating effects of food sensitivities is compulsive eating; or food-binge behavior. Binging is defined as explosive, uncontrolled eating far beyond the normal point of satiation…People usually binge on exactly the foods to which they have immune sensitivities. It is not surprising, then, that the most common food sensitivities – dairy products, wheat, and corn – are represented in the most frequent binge foods: ice cream, pizza, and corn chips.” (Dr. Berger’s Immune Power Diet. New American Library, 1986. p53)

Click here for a symptom self test to see if any of your symptoms are linked to reactions to foods toxic to your system – they may be foods you’re eating every day!

“Suffice it to say, briefly, that obesity and alcoholism are basically similar illnesses, one dealing with addicting foods in their edible form and the other in their potable form. Stimulatory phases in both instances tend to be relatively prolonged, inasmuch as victims tend to be aware of the general nature of the responsible addictants in both instances, although specific addictants may not be pinpointed. This seems to be especially true in obesity, which is more often related to eating in general than to the frequent use of one or more foods. Although there is some habituation involved, cravings in obesity can usually be curbed effectively as a result of the avoidance of incriminated foods.” (An Alternative Approach to Allergies. Lipincott & Crowell, 1980. Theron Randolph, M.D. p100)

Edema (water retention)…

“Allergic edema, or water retention, is one of the most misunderstood problems of overweight. It is a reversible disorder of the capillaries…During an allergic reaction, some of the fluid that is part of the blood plasma leaks through the allergically enlarged pores of the temporarily malfunctioning capillaries into the surrounding tissue, causing it to puff up with fluid…When the food of chemical that caused the allergic reaction is no longer present in the body…the ‘allergic’ fluid that has leaked into the tissues returns to the general circulation…taking with it important pounds of your unnecessary water weight…” (It’s Not Your Fault You’re Fat Diet, Marshall Mandell, M.D., Harper & Row, 1983, p14)

“It has been clinically observed that maladaptive reactions to foods,chemicals, and inhalants most often produce localized inflammatory edema and toxicity in specific target tissues and/or organs of the body. This reaction compromises the healthy functioning of the local tissues in several ways. First, associated with kinin-mediated inflammatory edema is an often severely lowered oxygen level in the specific reacting tissue. This results in cellular injury, which makes further demands for specific nutrients already in short supply…”

“To put it another way, each time there exists an acute allergic reaction resulting from a nutritional deficiency, no matter what the specific reaction is, there simultaneously exists an inflammatory edema causing a local reaction. Once this has occurred, a favorable biological state exists for a flareup of infection….more severe allergic sensitivity also results.” (Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient Connection. Keats Publishing, 1980. Wm. Philpott, M.D.

Click here for a symptom self test and see if any of your symptoms are linked to reactions to foods toxic to your system – they may be foods you are eating every day!!

Delicious magazine references: How to Win at Losing Weight
(provided by the author, Melissa Diane Smith; Jan 98)

The first reference is a letter in the October 27, 1979 issue of Lancet, entitled Opioid Peptides and Obesity” by Horst Kather and Bernd Simon, on page 905 of that issue. The letter refers to a study/analysis that found that the pepsin hydrosylated of wheat gluten and casein contain peptides with opioid activity. The reference for that is: Kaplan HI, Kaplan HS. J Nerv Ment Dis 1957; 125:181. The letter also refers to a previous letter in the July 21, 1979 issue of Lancet by McCloy and McCloy that relates obesity to autoaddiction to opioid peptides (both endogenous and exogenous).

The second reference is from a review article on obesity: Rosenbaum M, Leibel RL, Hirsch J. “Medical Progress: Obesity.” The New England Journal of Medicine, August 7, 1997, vol. 337, no. 6, 396-407. On page 398 of that article, a chart or drawing illustrates the substances that affect energy intake and expenditure, and opioids are included in that drawing (they could be endogenous or exogenous).