Sick and Tired: Adrenal Insufficiency and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue is not always realized by patients as an infirmity or medical condition.

There is obviously an increased likelihood for patients to have some type of an adrenal insufficiency if they report experiencing extended periods of chronic lethargy. To further complicate the issue, there are many individuals who are not informed of modern treatment available: both patients and physicians alike.

An estimated 80% of adrenal insufficiency cases are due to the autoimmune diseases like Addison’s disease and autoimmune adrenalitis. The remaining 20% are either idiopathic or congenital hyperplasia. All cases are denoted by feelings of weakness, weight loss, fatigue, dizziness, dehydration, and hypoglycemia.

Managing the Symptoms

The management systems that have conventionally been used for “treating” these problems are becoming costly both qualitatively and fiscally. Patients typically have little in the way of options when it comes to the management of their specific disease and physicians are often helpless and witness conditions worsen while the underlying causes are left unattended.

The typical treatment options for adrenal insufficiency are generally intravenously supplied fluid and steroids. Other than rest, the options for treating this widespread abnormality are not commonly known. Discovering the relationship between adrenal insufficiency and many other prevalent medical conditions can reveal new, effective methods for treating patients.

The Role of Environment

For several decades, clinical trials have been conducted by private and public organizations. Studies reveal a significant environmental connection between people affected with various chronic conditions. They also reveal that there is a substantial amount of misinformation and conservative skepticism about the relevance of environmental, specifically nutritional influence in the development and progression of these unfortunate maladies.

All of the known auto-immune diseases have a common thread: there is no available cure and medication only momentarily masks the problem. Adrenal insufficiency symptoms are caused by an unknown source that is possibly genetic, according to some researchers. Others believe that on top of genetics, the environment, nutrition and hematologic-chemical dispositions of a patient are a more reasonable reason for adrenal insufficiencies and auto-immune disorders.

Regardless of the initial cause, the environment appears to be the secondary influence that is a catalyst driving conditions to unmanageable levels. Extensive studies have been and continue to be done on the role of environmental factors of these diseases. Patients want answers and it is physicians that they are asking. Investigating the possibility of an environmental basis for chronic conditions reveals the significance and its growing acceptance in modern medicine.

Toxic Food Reactivity

Studies have shown consecutively that certain foods are directly related to the symptoms that patients experience. The chemical reactivity of select individuals can cause toxins to be released into the body on a regular basis.

One of the biggest problems that physicians previously faced when dealing with chronic disorders was that identifying toxic foods was not accomplishable. The extensive similarities that all auto immune disorders share provoke insight into the probable reasons for the onset of these widespread maladies. By pinpointing the specific contributors, exclusion can make way for improvement.

Pinpointing the Contributors

Contemporary research indicates the detection of Anti-Gliadin IgG and IgA to be a marker of the link between gliadin and polysystemic chronic candidiasis.  In order to assist physicians in making accurate diagnoses, Immuno Labs offers the comprised FDA approved immunodiffusion procedure and an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay (ELISA).The Anti-Gliadin Antibody Assay (AGA) exposes both IgG and IgA to gliadin by the ELISA method. This test is a very effective screening test for gliadin and is a good method for monitoring a patient’s reactivity to treatments and foods.

The Bloodprint® tests, performed by Immuno Labs for over 41 years, have yielded data that is both incisive and consistent. The Bloodprint® Premium is the most thorough food sensitivity test that Immuno Labs currently offers. It has been established in order to test the toxic food reactivity that patients experience from what they may eat on a daily basis. In order to establish the Bloodprint® of each specific patient, the test covers a broad list of over 200+ foods and spices.

Ready To Get Tested?

Find out if you are reactive to Anti-Gliadin and need to avoid all gluten-containing foods and discover your food sensitivities by getting tested with Immuno Labs with one of our Bloodprint® test panels and adding on our Anti-Gliadin additional test. Click here to contact us and learn more.

If you are a physician and want to better understand how we can offer our testing to your patients, then click here to complete our physician contact form.

For more statistics on chronic fatigue, visit:

Read about the relativity of food and chronic disorders:

Read about food and Addison’s disease:

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