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J.M.Brees, R.N.

I am 51 years old and for the past 15 years I have had to live with gastrointestinal symptoms of bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, and indigestion. Excessive flatulence has especially been an embarrassment for me.

I have always tried to pinpoint foods that would trigger these problems but was unable to because it seemed to vary so much. A friend of mine told me about a blood test that she recently had which targeted her specific food sensitivities. After contacting Immuno Laboratories Inc., I decided to have the Immuno I Blood Print test performed.

I was amazed at the results! My greatest sensitivity was to brewer’s yeast, which is used in wine and many ordinary fermented forms of condiments. I never would have guessed that the wine I have enjoyed in the past would have ever caused these problems. Within days of eliminating wine and vinegar from my diet, I am without symptoms.

I am so grateful that such a simple test solved my problems.

Christian Blok

I am Christian Blok, I work with Dr. Callaway. She approached me about having my blood tested for the Immuno Laboratories Bloodprint 1 over a month ago. I agreed to having the test done as I suffer from digestive problems, excessive gas, constipation, and stomach problems. My father has ulcerative colitis and I am always concerned about my digestive health.

When I received the test results I was disappointed to see how many foods I loved that I needed to avoid. Dr. Callaway gave me some reading materials and advised me to start by eliminating one or two foods at a time. I agreed to do this and was very pleased that as I stuck to the program I saw a noticeable difference in my digestion. Also, my energy levels increased – an unexpected good side effect. I plan to remain off most of the foods I am reactive to and will slowly eliminate others. The positive difference in how I feel easily makes up for the reduction in stomach problems I have lived with for so long. I have told my father about this test and think that anyone with stomach or digestive health problems could benefit from at least knowing that avoiding certain foods helps.

Paul W. Bizjak, D.C.

I wanted to write and express my appreciation for your services. I had wanted to have a “food allergy” test done for years but had not gotten around to it. I have always worked out and eaten well but noticed fluctuations in my energy levels throughout the day. I suspected a reaction to certain foods. Your test helped me a lot. Not only did it tell me exactly what foods to be aware of, but it showed me foods that I was not sensitive to that I feared were a problem for me.

It has been approximately two months since I have made the required elimination of the foods. I immediately noticed a reduction in the fluctuation of my energy levels after meals.
I have eaten well and exercised my whole life and have felt good. It is helpful to have the information that your test provides so that I can feel even better.

I will utilize this test as needed for patients in my practice. The information will allow them to lead healthier lives without doing the hard work to figure out which foods are the problem.

Thanks for being so thorough. I appreciate the high standards by which you operate.

Theodore S. Biniaris, DC, MS

A few months ago, I purchased a new laboratory reference book entitled Laboratory Evaluations in Molecular Medicine. This wonderful book described IgG food antibody testing. After understanding the mechanisms of delayed IgG food sensitivities, I decided to run a “trial” diagnostic test on myself to assess the clinical implications. After screening several laboratories, I selected your lab and the Immuno 1 Bloodprint for my trial test.

There was one problem with using myself in my evaluation/experiment, I only exhibited one of the commonly reported symptoms associated with delayed food sensitivities. My normal diet is very healthy with a natural seasonal rotation of foods and I am a very healthy 43-year-old male with a patent gastrointestinal and immune systems. I wondered how I could assess the clinical benefits of the test if I did not have any symptoms which should improve after the culprit foods are eliminated from my diet. After some thought, I believed that I could run the experiment with an opposite outcome, and still be able to measure the clinical validity of the Immuno 1 Bloodprint. Instead of eliminating the allergenic foods, I would consume as much of them as possible over one month and make an assessment.

After several weeks of eating increased amounts of the foods identified as antigens by my Immuno 1 Bloodprint, I began to notice increased tinnitus and fatigue, and new symptoms such as abdominal bloating/gas/burping, chest congestion, and nasal congestion. Some of the foods identified as my allergens were: eggs, cows milk, cheese, brewer’s yeast, oatmeal, sesame seeds/oil, mushrooms, wheat, kidney and pinto beans, and tomatoes. After one month of eating meals primarily made from those “allergenic” foods my symptoms progressively worsened.

I have since removed and/or rotated those culprit foods from my deity. My symptoms gradually regressed and eventually disappeared. My own experience with the Immuno 1 Bloodprint has brought a new personal awareness of the value of hypersensitivity food allergy testing. Thank you for an indispensable diagnostic test for a clinically results-based practitioner.

Landa L. Bernardo

I recently completed a 30-day elimination diet created from the results of the Immuno Labs Immuno 1 Bloodprint IgG food sensitivity assay. I was shocked initially to see the foods that my body was allergic to but began to realize that these were the foods that I ate all the time. Before I began the diet my stomach was always bloated, I suffered from severe acid reflux, and eating, in general, was a painful experience for me. I will admit that the diet was not the easiest to start, especially with the allergies I had, but once I committed myself to it I began to notice several changes. Digesting food (that my body liked) became much easier, my energy increased, and I could eat as much as I wanted without really gaining much weight. A very good result of the diet has been my inclusion of fish into my meals. As a vegetarian who discovered a bad lactose intolerance from the test, my supervisor advised me to include the fish that was put in my food rotation plan by Immuno Labs. Had I not included fish I would have had to become a strict vegan, which in my eyes has never seemed a balanced diet. I have appreciated this opportunity to experience the benefits of a food allergy test, and I would most certainly recommend your test to anyone. To those patients that come into our office considering the test, I have done nothing but praise your company for the benefits a bloodprint can offer. I plan on continuing my diet as it encourages a healthier change in not only my body but also my lifestyle. Thank you, Immuno Laboratories.

Linda Benevento

Thank you for the opportunity to be tested for IgG food sensitivities. The Immuno 1 Bloodprint identified several foods that I eat regularly. I am Italian and love Italian food. My reactant foods included cheeses, tomatoes, and garlic. I have experienced indigestion and gas regularly and just learned to live with them.

Well, after eliminating my positive foods, my unwanted symptoms were greatly decreased! The testing is very informative and I recommend it to all my patients. We have utilized your services since April and the feedback from our patients is very good!

Doug and I speak regularly and it is a pleasure working with him and your lab! Thank you again Immuno Laboratories! The Immuno 1 Bloodprint has improved the lives of my patients, friends, and family members!

Vincent C. Bellonzi, D.C., C.C.N., C.S.C.S

I decided to obtain the Immuno 1 Bloodprint so that I would give a copy of the results to show to my patients. I figured if I had enough confidence to submit myself, then I would have a tool to show others the capabilities of this test. I believed that I might receive a negative test without toxicities and would have to test someone else to show abnormalities. I was healthy after all (or so I thought) and was training to run a marathon. Besides being a chiropractor and a nutritionist I am a personal trainer and I try to practice what I preach.

I received my results and was surprised to see 12 IgG sensitivity reactions. Unfortunately, some of my favorite “healthy foods” were on the list. I began a rotation/elimination diet and within a few days noticed that my training runs were easier. I had better energy, my breathing was clear and there was not the digestive discomfort I had felt before. None of these had been serious, just expected discomforts.

I ran the marathon while on my diet and finished well ahead of the time I was trying for. I was only 5 minutes from qualifying for Boston which is my ultimate goal and this was only my first marathon. I can honestly say that I was very comfortable while running the race and the dietary changes deserve the credit.

I made the same mistake that many of my patients do. I assumed that my symptoms were just my “normal” state of health. Signs and symptoms mean that something needs attention. Get this test and correct the underlying problem.

Valeria Balandra, ARNP

I recently had the Immuno 1 Bloodprint performed by Immuno Labs and to my surprise came up positive to sixteen foods. After eliminating these foods from my diet I began to see a marked improvement in my GERD symptoms, which I have suffered from for over ten years. Since starting the diet, I have been able to reduce my medication by half and hope to eliminate it. I have had only one episode of heartburn in a month compared to three times per week before the testing and diet.

I encourage other practitioners to take the test and follow the diet so they can not only experience the health benefits for themselves but also assist patients in compliance with the diet. It educates them on where to locally find and obtain alternatives to allergy foods.

Frank Aversmo, N.D.

As a food and healing specialist, I am delighted that Immuno Labs offers a food allergy panel that is 90% reproducible and 98% specific. Since I started using Immuno labs two years ago, I’ve noticed that a number of my patients have experienced mitigation of their presenting symptoms. Hay fever and seasonal allergy symptoms especially have been favorably impacted. Having cursed my own allergies and asthma by eliminating milk and milk products, I understand the deep healing that can happen when we identify and address the causes of inflammation in our bodies.

Most recently, I had the opportunity to run an Immuno 1 Blood print on myself. I already knew that when I ate dairy products I developed excessive mucus, had more frequent colds and cases of flu, and had more severe and frequent asthma attacks. I have been dairy-free for eight years. I had designed a new way of eating and had enjoyed very much the benefits of allergy-free living. I began thinking if I have identified dairy as a problem and had great results eliminating it perhaps there might be other foods causing me symptoms. Sure enough, cow’s milk returned positive. But there were 11 other foods that proved to be pro-inflammatory.

I eliminated those 11 foods and put myself on a gut-healing protocol designed to close up the gaps between enterocytes of the small intestine. During my 30-day cleanse, something remarkable happened. I noticed that the rash I had on the back of my calves completely disappeared. What’s more, I didn’t even realize it was there until it was gone! I have also experienced a renewed sense of energy and tolerance of dairy since my cleanse. It seems I can now rotate dairy in small amounts every 2-3 weeks without noticeable ill effects. So it seems by eliminating other pro-inflammatory foods, I have improved my gut health and thereby have reduced symptoms. Thanks, Immuno Labs! Keep up the good work!

Antoinette Del Valle, D.O.

I have suffered from allergic colitis for over a year. I tried to identify which foods were causing the trouble but I was unsuccessful.

I finally decided to do the testing through Immuno Labs. My results were positive for 28 different foods. I didn’t think I would have so many. I immediately eliminated all of them and had a wonderful outcome. I no longer had abdominal pain, colitis, or bloating. I felt like a healthy person again.

As a pediatrician, I recommend these tests for some of my patients. I have an eighteen-month patient who suffered from chronic rhinorrhea, colitis, and temper tantrums. His test revealed 32 foods that he was sensitive to. His mother eliminated all of them and he is a whole new man. His rhinorrhea and colitis stopped and he is happy again. His mother tried to reintroduce corn after a month and he was “evil for the day.” It will be a while before she introduces corn again.

I have another patient who is 20 months old and has autism. Every office visit he spent the entire time opening and closing the door, throwing things, and grunting. His results showed 31 foods. After three weeks of elimination, I did a follow-up visit. He played with toys in the room and answered my questions appropriately. In 10 months of knowing him, I had never heard him speak.

I am happy that I have a tool to offer my patients to help in their treatment plans.

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