
Immuno Labs is committed to ongoing support, leadership and innovation for the well-being of our global community.

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Erica M. Elliot

I’m writing to express my appreciation to Immuno Laboratories for their excellent service. I recently had testing for food allergies performed on myself and carefully followed the recommendations made based on the results. I noticed a significant improvement in my energy. My sinuses were less problematic; I felt less bloating after meals, and my mood was more stable. I would highly recommend your lab for its level of excellence and for the level of patient support that you offer.

Barbara Dupaul, FNP-BC

I was tested for food allergies in June of this year. Upon receiving my results, I immediately eliminated the foods I was allergic to and started rotating the foods I was able to eat. To help keep track of everything I was eating in a day, I bought a small pocket-sized calendar with a “month at a glance” format. Most days I selected 4 to 5 foods that I was planning to eat and wrote them in on that day, so I would remember my options for the day and so I could look at several days at once. When I had special events coming up, I would write the foods I was planning to eat on that upcoming day in my calendar, so that I could avoid those foods 4 days prior when doing my food planning.

At first, it seemed like a lot of work, but after I got the hang of it, it was simple and so worth it. I noticed that I was less fatigued after just a few days. Gradually over the next several weeks, I felt a little bit better every week. The greatest improvement was noted after a full 90 days of avoidance and rotation. I am sleeping better, have no joint pain, have a clear mind, have more energy, and have no abdominal bloating.

I am a volunteer with a local search and rescue group and was called out on a multiple-day mission without warning. I had no time to prep my food, so I had to eat what the sheriff’s office provided. I had noticeable fatigue and loose stools after eating the food. Within 24 hours of returning home to my food, I felt better and my symptoms resolved. Thanks to Immuno Laboratories I have learned to eat in a healthier manner specific for my body. I eat mostly fresh, unprocessed foods and plan to continue because I feel better than I have in years. I have added a few food items that I reacted to back into my diet and can tell which foods are safe for me to eat and which I should continue to avoid. Without a doubt, this is the best thing I have done for myself.

I encourage everyone to get tested to see what their body reacts to. You may be eating “healthy” food, but it might not be the right food for your body. I believe many chronic health conditions can be avoided or cured by eating the right foods for your body.

Antoinette del Valle, D.O.

I have suffered from allergic colitis for over a year. I tried to identify which foods were causing the trouble but I was unsuccessful.

I finally decided to do the testing through Immuno Labs. My results were positive for 2 different foods. I didn’t think I would have so many. I immediately eliminated them and had a wonderful outcome. l no longer have abdominal pain, colitis, or bloating. I feel like a healthy person again.

As a Pediatrician, I recommend these tests for some of my patients. I have an eighteen-month-old patient who suffers from chronic rhinorrhea, colitis, and temper tantrums. His tests revealed 32 foods that he was sensitive to. His mother eliminated all of them and he is a whole new man. His rhinorrhea and colitis stopped and he is happy again. His mother tried to reintroduce corn after a month and he was “evil for the day.” It will be a while before she introduces corn again.

I have another patient who is 20 months old and has autism. Every office visit he spent the entire time opening and closing the door, throwing things, and grunting. His results showed 31 foods. After three weeks of elimination, I did a follow-up visit. He played with toys in the room and answered my questions appropriately. In 6 months of knowing him, l had never heard him speak.

I am happy that I have a tool to offer my patients to help in their treatment plans.

Despina Dalton, MD, RPH, CNS

I didn’t think it was possible but some of those foods I thought were healthy for me were causing my fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome. I was only able to find that out by having my Immuno Bloodprint testing done which revealed the culprits.
I was very surprised to find that some of my daily foods were causing my fatigue, but within 2 weeks of removing them from my diet I could feel the difference. I felt better during the day and did not get the late afternoon drag. My skin quality has improved as well. I sleep better at night. Best of all I don’t have the bloating, gas, and constipation that I have lived with for so many years.
I wanted to thank your company for providing this service to me and my patients. I have had several of my patients and staff members who have had the test done tell me how much better they feel after implementing the program and eliminating the foods that are causing their symptoms.
Thank you again.

Laurie Cullen, ND

I’m writing to let you know about my experience with the Immuno Laboratories Human Bloodprint test.
I took the test on October 21, 2004. My results came back positive for several foods that had been a regular part of my diet, such as wheat, eggs, cow’s milk, and soybeans. As instructed by the dietary guidelines in the Immuno Health Guide, I removed these items from my diet for about four weeks.
I am happy to report that symptoms that I had previously been experiencing (gas, bloating, and nondescript abdominal pain) seemed to be greatly alleviated during the period of abstinence! When I resumed eating several of these foods, my symptoms returned.
I am very pleased with the results of your company’s food allergy testing. It appears that your methods produced valuable information. I will certainly recommend this test in the future to both acquaintances and clients.

Michael Chiccone, D.C.

As a Chiropractor who has been in practice for over 15 years, I have seen blood tests come and go promising to identify everything from food allergies to antioxidant levels. Some of these tests have been worthwhile and others have not. I have also seen every kind of pseudoscientific muscle test you can imagine promising people that they can clear their allergies or intolerances with mystic little bottles and strange potions. Please! Any good doctor must also be a good scientist if he is going to help his patients get better, and using mysticism is not part of any good doctors practice. This brings me to Immuno Labs and the lmmuno I Bloodprint. I have performed this test not only on myself but on numerous patients with steady and sometimes spectacular results, once the identified allergens have been removed from the persons diet. I had been suffering with stomach cramps after eating, for some time, and could not identify the source. I was not eating anything different or unusual and not experiencing anything but the cramps, which would pass after about 15 minutes. Realizing that I may have developed an intolerance to a food I already eat, I had the test performed and sure enough ice tea came up as one of 14 intolerances. I drink a lot of ice tea, especially from Wendy’s. Since the other intolerances were not foods I normally eat or eat in small amounts, it was easy to eliminate the items. I avoided these items according to the protocol and re-introduced ice tea when the time was right and sure enough the cramping was immediate. I had found the cause of the problem as none of the other items caused any cramping when I consumed them. This test works and it works better than any other test on the market! I am impressed with the redundancies that make the test highly accurate. Also, only the brand of tea that Wendy’s uses seems to give me the problem so I am free to drink ice tea, just not theirs. Again, just a letter to say thank you for a test and being a company that any doctor can feel confident using.

Patricia Chagolla, RN

Thank you for allowing me to test for food sensitivities with the Immuno l Bloodprint. The test is well worth it!! And, I have recommended it to several family members and friends. My brother-in-law will be taking the test in hopes of eliminating his cough and sinus congestion.
My unwanted symptoms included fatigue and bloating. When I eliminated my positive foods, mainly almonds and dairy, I felt considerably better. I was eating almonds everyday, thinking it was a healthy snack. Who would imagine it was the cause of my health issues? Over the last 30 days, my energy levels are much higher and I do not feel any more discomfort in my abdomen.
Thank you again Immuno Laboratories, the Immuno l Bloodprint has really helped me feel better!

Lynn A. Chadd, MSN, ARNP

This letter is a testimonial to support the use of food allergy testing and diet modification. I am a 43-year-old Nurse Practitioner, specializing in Women’s Health. I have had a history of difficulty with weight gain, irritable bowel symptoms, reflux, and fatigue. Last March, my physician and I decided to obtain a food allergy test to determine if food allergies could be having an effect on these problems. I had Immuno 1 Bloodprint IgG Food Sensitivity Assay for the standard 115 foods provided by Immuno Laboratories.

My results returned showing significant allergies to wheat, dairy, and eggs. I eliminated these foods from my diet for some time and now I rotate eating these foods as suggested by the 4-day rotation food plan provided by Immuno Laboratories specific to my food allergy needs. My results have been remarkable. I have lost 30lb, my irritable bowel symptoms and reflux symptoms have resolved completely, and my fatigue improved as well.

I have done extensive research on food sensitivity and realize that food sensitivities can cause toxic reactions to everyday foods leading to slow metabolism, increased appetite, craving, and binging. I have begun to use food allergy testing through Immuno Laboratories for some of my patients, with excellent results as well.

I cannot say enough for how this has changed my life and improved my health. I would highly recommend Immuno 1 Bloodprint food Sensitivity Testing for anyone with difficult weight issues, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel symptoms, or allergy symptoms.

Cressa Campos

This testimonial is for all the active people out there that can’t quite seem to get over the dreaded “plateau.” Ya know, that extra 15 pounds that you can’t quite lose, or that couple of minutes that you can’t knock off of your race. I’ve been an active person all of my life and was still dealing with days that I felt as if it were my first day out running and days when my belly felt as if it were going to explode because of being so bloated. There is just nothing like feeling 6 months pregnant when you’re not even pregnant. Other things that I dealt with daily were bad gas, cravings, and blood in my stools. I would have days when it was really challenging to take in a deep breath and I don’t have asthma. By the list of things above you’d probably think that I was some unhealthy sack of potatoes, but I considered myself to be an extremely healthy person even with all these “issues.” These symptoms drove me batty though! My running hadn’t improved for over 3 years and I’d been the same weight for over 5 years. No matter how much exercise I got I couldn’t get rid of the bloating and uncomfortable feeling after eating. I tried everything under the sun to relieve these awful symptoms that I was having and nothing seemed to help me. I still went back to feeling the same way as before. I finally got word that I could have an allergy to certain foods and that’s why these symptoms never went away. So I went ahead and got tested for food allergens and sure enough, the results were positive. I had allergies to 19 different foods and most of them were foods that I ate every day. They were foods that I often had cravings for. After the findings I went on the diet as prescribed avoiding all of the foods that I was sensitive to and the results were immediate. I lost 10 pounds in the first 3 weeks and after about a week the tightness in my chest went away and I could run for days (if I wanted to!). The gas issue was no longer an issue and the bloated feeling only happened when I accidentally ate something I was sensitive to-it somewhat acted like a mini alarm inside my body to stay away from that food. I was so happy with the results. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and a mighty roadblock in my healthy lifestyle has been removed.

Amy Boschman
Office Manager

I have recently taken the Immuno 1 Bloodprint test and was amazed by the sensitivities I never would have expected. Along with many allergy symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes and ears, etc., I also suffer from bloating, constipation, and chronic dermatitis. I had no idea that yeasts and other foods were the cause of these symptoms.

I eliminated these foods for almost 40 days and saw an amazing drop in all of my symptoms. As I reintroduced these foods, I saw my symptoms reappear and have decided to strive to avoid these foods in the future.

Along with feeling great and having smooth skin, I have lost 10-15 pounds. It feels wonderful. I would recommend this test to anyone and tell them it is worth any price to find out what your body is telling you.

Thank you for the opportunity to represent your company in our clinic and we will continue to offer this allergy testing for the well-being of our patients.

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