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Patrice Thiessen, OMD, L.Ac.

I am writing this letter to let you know of the good results I have experienced since avoiding the foods I am allergic to as listed on the Immuno I Bloodprint test I had with your lab a little over a month ago. The most remarkable experience to me is the quieting of my appetite. I seemed previously unable to stop myself from eating foods I knew weren’t good for me. It turns out I was allergic to the daily chocolate-covered almonds I was addicted to. I have avoided all the 15 foods listed on the test results and have done my best to rotate the remaining allowed foods. I have lost eight pounds in these five weeks and have control over what I eat and when. I seem to be on more even ground and not on a roller coaster of eating binges.
From my study of digestive problems, I have learned that the intestinal lining can get inflamed and irritated by foods you’re allergic to. It can cause the problem to worsen, as undigested foods “leak” through the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream. I believe the quieting of my appetite is probably related to less inflammation and irritation in the digestive tract.
In addition to the weight loss, I have finally been able to be free of a large patch of red itchy psoriasis-like bumps on my lower left leg. It has cleared up 95% and other skin bumps have also disappeared. I have more work to do on my skin but am hopeful this information on food allergies is a very important part of the puzzle.
I feel this has been a most valuable learning experience, which I can share genuinely with my patients. Especially those who may have similar chronic problems and do not respond to conventional medical recommendations. I believe the allergic response to foods must be a basic consideration when looking at the big picture concerning a patient’s chronic condition and researching the etiological factors. Thank you for your research and available testing in this science.

Thiago Silva, UFC Fighter

I did the food intolerance test from Immuno Labs. My dietician suggested it to improve my recovery, optimize my body composition, and for better performance. I lost over 12 lbs in the first four weeks, my energy increased, my skin looks better, and I am recovering much faster.I would recommend the food intolerance test from Immuno Labs, not only to athletes, but also to anybody that wants to improve metabolism, health, or lose weight.

Angela Sinnett, LAc.

I have been a fan of Immuno Labs since 2008 when I was pregnant with my first child and was experiencing discomfort after eating. It was hard for me to determine which foods exactly were causing my body such distress. When I heard about Immuno Labs’ food allergy testing, I eagerly went to get tested. I was shocked when the results read that all of my favorite foods were the ones causing my body discomfort. However, it made sense because those were the foods I was consuming the most. I thought eliminating the foods out of my diet was going to be extremely difficult, but to my surprise, I was given a list of dietary recommendations from Immuno Labs. I appreciated that they provided me with alternative food recommendations that were similar to the foods I love.

After a month of eliminating the foods and practicing my new diet, I found complete relief. My digestion had finally become regular again, I was able to sleep better at night, and my overall mood greatly improved. After giving birth to my daughter, I started to reincorporate the previously eliminated foods into my diet. Unfortunately, while breastfeeding, my daughter became ill with colic, and had an extensive rash that covered her upper body. I quickly went back to my Immuno Labs report and re-eliminated the foods I was allergic to when pregnant with her. Within 24 hours, my daughter’s rash was gone, and so was the colic. If I hadn’t done the Immuno Lab report and learned which foods to eliminate, I would have had to stop breastfeeding and resort to a formula diet for my daughter. I felt very fortunate to have done the test and to have been able to continue breastfeeding, which gave my child and me an incredible bond.

In 2010 when I was blessed with the gift of pregnancy again, I decided to have another food allergy test done by Immuno Labs. I didn’t think my results would have changed much in two years, but I was wrong. During this pregnancy, I was experiencing terrible migraines, and I was breaking out with eczema on my face. Within two weeks of eliminating the foods, I was feeling much better. My skin cleared up and I wasn’t struggling with migraines. It was amazing how much food can affect your body’s well-being. What was even more amazing was finding out that I was allergic to healthy foods such as eggs, cranberries, tomatoes, etc. I was pleased that, once again, they included a new dietary plan for me, with great recommendations for each meal of the day.

I have since recommended food allergy testing by Immuno Labs to all my friends, patients, coworkers, and family. As an acupuncturist, I am a firm believer in natural healing and stress the importance of eating the right foods for your body to each of my patients. I recommend that they take the food allergy test and send them home with informational packets on Immuno Labs and Doug Rafferty’s contact information. Doug has been a tremendous resource and ongoing support throughout my process, as well as many of my patients. We have all found great results and are leading healthier, happier lives. Thank you, Immuno Labs!

Amy Reimer, MA

I received the results from my IgG Standard Food Sensitivity Assay on February 4th. I adhered to my diet exactly for six weeks before I began reintroducing the reactive foods. During the time I was not eating the reactive foods, my symptom progress checklist numbers went from 87 to 44! My energy levels went up: my acne improved, and my chronic sore throat subsided. Mentally, I felt very clear and much calmer than before I received my test results. Once I began adding back reactive foods, I noticed which problems correlated with which foods. With some foods, like almonds, there appear to be no symptoms at all. But with other items, like peas or coffee, distinct reactions would occur itchy throat, insomnia, poor memory, and shortened attention span. I plan to continue my diet in the months to come because it has been such a boost to my health. Thank you for offering such a beneficial tool to healthcare.

Nancy Johnson Rose

I am a family practice physician who has utilized the Immuno Lab’s food allergy testing for several of my patients over the past years. Usually, I choose those patients who present with unusual “laundry lists” of symptoms, claiming that many other physicians have not been able to help them. Most of them benefited greatly from the recommended elimination diets.
I am in excellent physical condition and have always followed a high protein/low carbohydrate diet, doing yoga several times weekly. Once I turned 58, I started to notice that I was having afternoon fatigue, difficulty sleeping and some mild depression, which I thought were due to work stress. I initially gave up caffeine, sugar, and wheat and noticed some improvement. I then decided to test myself with the Immuno 1 Bloodprint IgG ELISA 115 Food Sensitivity Assay. To my surprise, I tested positive for allergies to several foods which were large parts of my everyday diet, such as cheese, milk, eggs, and yeast. After just one month of following the elimination diet, I not only had more energy and improved moods, but I was sleeping through the night and had fewer cravings, swollen and watery eyes. Now that I have been following the diet for 3 months, the grand total on my symptom checklist has gone from 15 to 1.
Although it does take some effort to change old habits and learn to prepare alternative foods, the rewards are remarkable and very worthwhile. Since I have had this experience myself, I have been food allergy testing more of my patients who do not seem to respond adequately to conventional medical treatments.

Monte Jones, M.D.

I must state that at the beginning I was very skeptical about this procedure. Do people really have food sensitivities that cause physical symptoms? Now I can say, “yes they do”, and I am a strong believer now!

I was experiencing joint pain, fatigue, and horrible headaches almost daily. I had tried various other remedies and decided to do the elimination diet. I was very strict for two weeks and no headaches were present. I ate a sandwich that contained one of my sensitive foods, and within 2 hours I began to experience marked congestion in the sinuses and a severe headache.

This has made a huge difference in my life, and I am feeling the benefits daily. I have shared this information with my patients, and they too are experiencing the same results.
I would like to thank you for showing me the answers on how to regain my health, energy, and life!

Michelle Toth-Vilchis

I had the Immuno Laboratories standard (115 foods), anti-gliadin antibody, and Candida albicans tests done a few months ago. My impressions of the test are that it is very comprehensive and invaluable because it checks for so many foods to see what your body reacts to and how severely it reacts. I was suffering from extremely bad stomach pains as well as gas and bloating. I also was dealing with chronic acne, not to mention irritability and severe bouts of depression.

When I received the results of my blood test, I immediately eliminated the reactive foods and quickly noticed that my stomach was flatter and I did not have pain as much as before. I also noticed that my skin was clearing up and that I was calmer and happier.

The most shocking was the fact that my Candida results were off the charts, which was severely affecting my health. I always had such strong sugar cravings that it was equivalent to having a drug addiction. When I received the results, I was finally able to understand why it was so difficult to stay away from sugar. Armed with this knowledge, I made it a priority to stop eating sugar and simple carbohydrates.
I would highly recommend this test to others as it can change your life and health for the better.

Susan Kreitzberg, N.D.

Before being tested for food sensitivities I knew I was sensitive to dairy and I suspected other foods but couldn’t isolate the ones causing my symptoms.

The Bloodprint clearly identified additional foods and confirmed the dairy sensitivity. Since I have been following the diet, chronic eczema on my legs has cleared up, the dry tickly cough is gone, and I am sleeping much better at night. I am hopeful that my energy will continue to get better. The Anti-gliadin Antibody Assay truly made a big difference in my health when it identified gluten as a significant allergen. Without that test, I would still be eating gluten-containing foods and not seeing the improvements in my health.

What truly excites me is the changes I see in my patients. One woman had eczema on her face so bad that her eyes were swollen shut (she looked as if she had been burned). It has cleared up entirely on her face and is now clearing up on her elbows. Her asthma has improved so much, she is talking about decreasing her steroid use. One little boy who had been expelled from three preschools has done a complete turnaround in his behavior within 72 hours of starting his diet. Repeatedly I have children tell me how much better they feel since starting their diets. I don’t have problems with compliance because the rewards of good health and a healthy mental outlook motivate my patients.

Thank you so much for the service you have provided to me and my patients.

Joseph M. Gryskiewicz, MD, FACS

It’s a miracle. I have experienced a life-changing event that is better than winning the lottery! For years I felt nauseated and bloated all the time. I felt sick when getting up at night and upon arising in the morning. I was lost wondering what happened to the stomach I used to have as a kid. I ate to live, but never enjoyed my food. It felt like work to eat, like a homework assignment. Life became a bad dream. If I ate the “wrong” food it would send me into a GI spiral downward. However, I could never figure out just what the wrong food was. I could never figure out the exact triggers and establish my “no-no” list of foods. Now I understand why.

Immuno labs made sense out of my curse. I now know there can be an antigen-antibody reaction to foods with a possible delay of 1-4 days. I am allergic to over two dozen foods. I would have never have figured that out. My wife just handed me a packet of peanuts. I can eat peanuts, no problem, but as I read the package, I see canola oil and salt as the two added ingredients. I am allergic to canola oil. There you have it. The key to unlocking the secret list of foods I need to avoid.
The fractionations are also invaluable allowing me to eat hard cheeses for example but needing to avoid dairy products in general. So I enjoy hard cheese, but assiduously avoid soft cheese, yogurt, and milk. Immuno Labs drills down to the molecular level to discover my negative food triggers. I carry the list everywhere, and it keeps me feeling “normal” like I used to feel before.

Thanks to Immuno Labs I have won the “Health Lottery.” I have a new lease on life.

Linda Jerkovsky, D.C., C.C.S.P.

As a chiropractor, I was very interested in ImmunoLabs drug-free approach to helping my patients that needed more than chiropractic alone. Before testing my patients I wanted to experience the test myself. I was shocked at the 11 foods I tested sensitive to. They were most of my basic diet and all very healthy for the average person. After a few weeks of modifying my diet accordingly, I felt an overall improvement in energy, performance, and mental clarity. My staff member, Bret, became a true believer of the Immuno 1 Bloodprint after he began his modified diet according to his test results of 13 food sensitivities. His sinus allergies improved drastically and he has had better digestion as well. Most remarkable was the response of the first patient I tested. She complained of sharpshooting right sacroiliac pain almost daily for months that persisted no matter what treatment that she received. She had MRIs, x-rays, and other lab tests which all revealed normal findings. She was a type 1 diabetic and was under numerous doctors’ care and prescriptions. No one could give her relief. She agreed to this test. After giving her the Immuno 1 Bloodprint findings I did not see or hear from her for 1 month. At this point, I called her to find out how she was doing. She called me back to leave a message saying “I am your #1 testimonial. I am amazed, but I have not had any pain since I started the elimination diet you gave me one month ago”. It made all of us true believers in Immuno Lab. Thank you!

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