Clinical Applications: Milk and Autism

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Key Points and Takeaways:

  • Autistic patients should be tested for IgE and IgG reactivity to foods most specifically to milk and milk subfractions as milk has cross-reactivity to neuropeptides, myelin basic protein (MBP) and neurofilament proteins (NAFP), found in the brain. Antibodies mounted to milk thus may react with neuropeptides in the brain leading to autism in some patients
  • It is plausible to propose that drugs and environmental toxins might have detrimental effects on neuroendocrine-immune circuits resulting in autism.
  • Autoantibodies to nervous system antigens are detected in populations exposed to toxic, environmental or occupational chemicals. For example, IgG to neuronal cytoskeletal proteins, neurofilaments, and myelin basic protein have been detected in workers exposed to lead or mercury and in women with silicone breast implants. Our results suggest a role for antibodies against brain cross-reactive food antigens and infectious agents in the pathogenesis of autistic behavior.
  • The rationale for IgG and IgE food allergy testing for children with diagnosed autism

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