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What’s Broken In Health Care Blog Series - HealthCare Information Management

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What’s Broken in Health Care Blog Series

Health care is one of the few things in life that affects all parts of our lives, including our physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being. People tend to point fingers and complain about what’s broken in health care, but we should instead be collaborating to find solutions for these problems. It may seem futile when the issues are so large and complex, but it only takes one good idea, one innovator, one dreamer to make a difference. HCIM’s Strategic Consulting Team has created the “What’s Broken in Health Care?” blog series to give everyone a voice in health care reform by joining together with other like-minded individuals to seek out a solution. If you could fix one thing about our healthcare system, what would it be?

Read our blogs on What’s Broken in Health Care >>