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Clients Love Using SymKey To Increase Their Auto-Adjudication - HealthCare Information Management

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Clients Love Using SymKey to Increase their Auto-Adjudication

We all know that SymKey® users love how their robotic claims automation tool increases their productivity, improves turnaround times, and reduces errors.  We firmly believe that no claims department should be without SymKey®.

But when’s the last time you bought something without reading customer reviews? Listen to what our clients have to say:

SymKey’s an asset to our team and is really an ideal employee because it’s incredibly efficient, always does what it’s told, never calls in sick, and won’t ever quit on us. SymKey® has allowed us to automate a high volume of claims so our processors can focus on higher priorities and more complex tasks.

SymKey’s abilities contribute to the success of the department. SymKey® makes life easier by adding memos and notes, applying adjustment codes, correcting information that was in-loaded incorrectly, adding authorizations and case numbers, adding and/or removing copays, copying claims for adjustments, etc. We LOVE our Symkey® and the people behind the product. The customer service is outstanding – they are responsive, helpful, accommodating, friendly, generous with their time and knowledge, and innovative.

We’re looking for whatever we can do to automate our business processes accurately and without errors. The less we can do manually, without human intervention, and the more we can do with automated computer processing is the way we want to go. The biggest advantage is the fact that we’re able to get through a large volume of changes that would have previously required a manual touch. We’re seeing faster processing times and reduced FTEs.

I’d estimate that before SymKey®, somewhere around 95% of our claims were manually touched in some way. So we decided to let SymKey® handle the mundane work, which would allow our processors to focus on analyzing and adjudicating the more complex claims.

The primary advantage we’ve found with SymKey® has been the ability to auto-adjudicate the most common edits or adjustments. We have a variety of contract designs specific to certain providers/specialties with unique reimbursement methodologies. One example that we are especially proud of is our shared endoscopic base procedure adjustment script that automates the correct calculation of a complex contract scenario that cannot be configured in EZ-CAP®.

SymKey’s price tag was unbelievable! I didn’t think a small company like ours would be able to afford it, but the cost was so reasonable and the ROI was just amazing. I’m seeing a 3x return on my investment! Because SymKey® can handle all the claims we throw at it, we can grow our business with a reduction in hiring.

SymKey® has taken our very tedious and quite repetitive manual work and practically eliminated it! We now have time to actually focus on accuracy and proper payment, rather than just data entry. Anything that you can do, SymKey® can do it faster with accuracy 100% of the time! Our only regret is that we didn’t hear about you years ago!

See for Yourself!

Take SymKey® for a test drive and discover firsthand what all our clients are raving about. Complete the form on the sidebar or email info@hcim.com to schedule a demo.