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2017 Is The Year Of The Bot! - HealthCare Information Management

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2017 is the Year of the Bot!

There’s a strong movement in the corporate world to leverage artificial intelligence and automate workflow decisions. This strategy increases accuracy and lowers the cost of operations, which in turn frees up these companies to further innovate. With the overwhelming pressure for organizations to streamline and be more efficient, robotic process automation will emerge as the true hero of 2017.

Let me introduce you to HCIM’s Bot, SymKey®. This automated robot has been helping healthcare claims payer organizations to become more efficient for over 15 years. SymKey® enables clients to process more claims with less staff by automating standard workflows, making intelligent decisions, and processing claims with limited human intervention.

Our 2016 stats revealed that:

  • SymKey® was used to process claims for over 3.1 million covered lives
  • SymKey® touched over 9.6 million claims, representing FTE savings of approximately 273 claims examiners, or over $13 million when using standard payroll estimates
  • Clients realized an 800% Return on Investment (ROI) with SymKey®

Character traits of the Bot:

  • Sharp and analytical
  • Loyal and trustworthy
  • Usually much loved by all who know them
  • Pioneering and innovative
  • Dedicated to their work
  • Very accomplished and usually very well dressed

If you would like to hire our SymKey® Bot to automate your routine manual workflows with 100% accuracy, please complete the form on the sidebar.

And let me be the first to wish you, “Happy Year of the Bot!”