
HCIM turns complexity into simplicity

For twenty years, HCIM has partnered with health plans and payers to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and improve accuracy with proven ROI. In addition to our flagship product SymKey®, we offer a variety of solutions and services that help you simplify the most complex of challenges. Our team of experienced health care professionals apply innovative technology to automate complex and manual business processes, saving time and money.  

Professional Solutions

HCIM is there when healthcare payers and managed care organizations find themselves in need of experts they can trust. From operational experts to custom development, our team of healthcare professionals partner with our clients at every phase of a project, working as an extension of their team. Our partners see significant administrative cost savings by leveraging HCIM’s comprehensive consulting services. 

Claims Audit ToolTM

Unidentified payment errors have a major impact on your bottom line. When looking to lower costs and increase payment accuracy, many organizations may overlook the value of claims auditing, especially prepayment. The typical maze of providers, provider contracts, member eligibility, member benefits, DOFRs, and more may make the task complex. CAT is a dynamic audit and remediation solution designed specifically for healthcare payers that simplifies the process and delivers rapid ROI, saving your organization millions every year.


SymKey Virtual Auto PostTM

Virtual Auto-Post is designed to work with PCG Software’s Virtual Examiner®/Virtual Reporter™.   Our affiliate, PCG Software’s Virtual Examiner/Virtual Reporter solution compares claims against a strict set of industry rules and locates claims with flawed procedure codes and billing mistakes, allowing healthcare organizations to remedy over-payments and recover large sums of money, all while adhering to industry standards. SymKey Virtual Auto-Post automates the applications of the recommendations directly into your core claims transaction system. Clients realize the immense cost savings without the need to dedicate staff to manually apply the recommendations.