
Are You Still Processing Claims by Hand?

Processing your claims manually is like washing laundry by hand. Sure, it works. But why would you do it manually when you can use a machine to do the same work both faster and more accurately? SymKey® can handle your boring, mundane work, because I’m sure you have better things

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HCIM’s Concierge Consulting for Healthcare Payers Brings Service to a Whole New Level

Since 2000, HCIM has helped healthcare payer organizations achieve their strategic and operational objectives through applied technology and business process optimization. We love to help clients innovate, solve problems, and improve performance in this ever-changing healthcare environment. Our focus is on improving claims operations and achieving technology-enabled transformations. We spend

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Determining the Success of the HITECH Act

Guest post by Definitive Healthcare After nearly seven years since the $35 billion HITECH Act was passed, some look at the slow pace of Meaningful Use, the relatively poor interoperability of EHR systems, and the physician workflow complaints and ask, “What has it actually accomplished?” A new study performed by

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Clients Love Using SymKey to Increase their Auto-Adjudication

We all know that SymKey® users love how their robotic claims automation tool increases their productivity, improves turnaround times, and reduces errors.  We firmly believe that no claims department should be without SymKey®. But when’s the last time you bought something without reading customer reviews? Listen to what our clients have to

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The Top 5 Ways to Protect your Organization from a Cyber Attack

Cybersecurity is no longer just a vague warning issued by your IT department. Security breaches seem to be everyday occurrences and far-reaching criminal attacks are a very real concern in our personal and professional lives. For those of us in the healthcare industry, this is a particularly heinous threat that

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Reining in Hospital Supply Costs and Physician Preference Item Spending

Guest post by Definitive Healthcare Supply costs are a primary target of healthcare organizations looking to optimize their operations. Unlike labor and overhead expenses, medical and surgical supply spending is more discretionary and has less immediate impact on clinical care or capacity. In addition, supplies are an increasingly large component

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How to Improve Access by Focusing on Patient Experience

There’s a major debate about access to healthcare for all Americans. Indeed, this is at the heart of solving our national healthcare dilemma. Physicians understand that getting medical care to people promptly, when they need it, can prevent catastrophic events and is also an effective way to make care more

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Are Today’s Providers Overwhelmed by Quality Reporting?

Guest post by Definitive Healthcare In today’s healthcare delivery environment, few concerns are as important to providers, payers, and consumers as quality. Quality scores can drive patients towards or away from hospitals and doctors, determine reimbursement rates, and subject organizations to a wide range of government incentives or penalties. Most

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Health Care Should Be Treated as an Investment

Regardless of your stance on the future of healthcare, one thing most of us can agree on is that we need to think of healthcare as an investment for payers, providers, and patients. While a focus on profit certainly should not be the primary driver, money does matter because we

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