Corporate Culture

Purposeful Leadership

HCIM practices Purposeful Leadership, a meaningful and intentional approach to our everyday work and management activities. Our Leadership Team and Colleagues vigilantly hold fast to the core values that HCIM’s corporate culture was built upon – integrity, honesty, and effectiveness. These attributes can only be developed through mutual respect, trust, and clear communication. We strive to serve a cause greater than ourselves, connect with those who benefit from our efforts, and find meaning in our professional relationships. We promote teamwork, commitment, accountability, dignity and inclusion. Being purposeful in our leadership and in our work is at the foundation of HCIM’s culture.

World Class Experience

HCIM is devoted to providing our clients, potential customers, and Colleagues with a World Class Experience. This is accomplished by adhering to a strict set of service standards that define the expectations of our internal and external customers. We believe we have an obligation to our company, our clients, and ourselves to treat each other with respect, be responsive and aware of each other’s needs, proactively work to resolve potential problems, and to be both prompt and passionately committed to our shared success. We go above and beyond to deliver this experience to each and every HCIM customer.

Community Outreach Program

HCIM recognizes not only the importance of corporate social responsibility but also believes in giving back to the communities where HCIM Colleagues live and work. We’ve developed a comprehensive Community Outreach Program that supports these efforts. HCIM also gives back to the communities we visit during our Annual Colleague Meetings. It is our goal to make a positive impact and leave the cities we visit a little better off than when we arrived.

Charitable Donation Match Program

HCIM’s Community Based Charity Donation and Company Match Program is designed to encourage Colleagues in their individual charitable giving. This program affords our Colleagues the opportunity to direct a portion of HCIM’s corporate giving through company matched contributions.

Volunteer Paid Time Off

HCIM encourages Colleagues to volunteer with charitable organizations and help their communities to address causes they are passionate about. To help encourage them to give of their time and talents, HCIM offers Colleagues up to 16 hours of paid volunteer time off per year.